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Haskell-Style Fibonacci in Python

If you've ever done a tech interview, you're probably familiar with the Fibonacci sequence:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ....

where each number is the sum of the previous two. A relatively simple (and relatively overused) interview problem is to write a function that returns the n-th Fibonacci number.

Recursive Python

The most intuitive implementation is recursive:

def fib(n):
  """the profoundly inefficient recursive implementation"""
  if n in [0, 1]:
    return 1
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

It works in a pretty obvious fashion.

>>> map(fib, range(10))
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

However, it's shockingly inefficient. To compute fib(10) we need to compute fib(9) and fib(8). To compute fib(9) we need to compute fib(8) (again) and fib(7). And so on.

The moral of the story is that to compute fib(10) we end up making 177 calls to fib. To compute fib(20) we end up making 21,891 calls to fib. And to compute fib(30) we end up making 2.7 million calls to fib, which ends up taking almost a full second on my laptop.

One solution is memoization, in which we remember previously computed values. We won't get into that here.

Iterative Python

Another solution is an iterative approach:

def fib(n):
  """the iterative implementation"""
  x, y = 0, 1
  for _ in range(n):
    x, y = y, x + y
  return y

This is much more efficient -- to compute fib(n) we just do O(n) operations. At the same time, it's much less clear what it's actually computing. If I didn't tell you it was fib you might have to stare at it for a while to figure out exactly what it was doing. And even knowing that it's fib it's probably not obvious that it's implemented correctly.


Haskell, in case you don't know, is everyone's favorite pure functional programming language. In particular, it embraces laziness in which values are computed only as needed.

This means we can compute the (infinite) sequence of Fibonacci numbers as

fibs :: [Int]
fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

Prelude> take 10 fibs

You should understand this definition as "the sequence that starts with 1, followed by 1, followed by the sequence of numbers obtained by "zipping" together the sequences fibs and tail fibs (that is, all of the elements of fibs after the first) and adding together each corresponding pair of elements.

Which means the third element of the sequence is the first element (of fibs) plus the second element (which is the first element of tail fibs). The fourth element is the second element (of fibs) plus the third element (which is the second element of tail fibs). And so on. This is precisely the definition of Fibonacci.

This definition may seem circular, since we're using fibs to define fibs.

After all, the following sort of thing leads to infinite recursion:

def fibs(x=0, y=1):
  return [y] + fibs(y, x+y)

>>> fibs()[0]
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

But in the Haskell version, because of laziness, the elements of fibs will only be evaluated as needed. To compute the third element, we only need to know the first two elements, which we already do by the time we're trying to compute the third element, and so on.

Appreciate its stark, mathematical beauty! (Learn Haskell!)

Laziness in Python

We can achieve laziness in Python using generators. One way is list comprehensions in parentheses.

>>> num = (i for i in range(3))
>>> num
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f5efc33bd70>
>>> num.next()
>>> num.next()
>>> num.next()
>>> num.next()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Each element of num is computed only on demand.

We can also use functions with yield:

>>> def to3():
...   yield 1
...   yield 2
...   yield 3
>>> [x for x in to3()]
[1, 2, 3]

This is how we'll implement the Haskell-style Fibonacci.


The Haskell implementation used tail (to get the elements after the first) and take (to get a certain number of elements from the front). Python doesn't have those, so we'll need to implement our own versions.

The itertools module contains some helpers for working with laziness. We'll need islice which allows us to slice a new generator out of an old one.

from itertools import islice

def tail(iterable):
  """return elements from 1 to forever"""
  return islice(iterable, 1, None)

def take(n, iterable):
  """return elements from 0 to n in a list"""
  return list(islice(iterable, 0, n))

For our Python 2.7 version we'll also need imap, which is simply the lazy version of map.

As a warmup, let's create an infinite sequence using the iterative approach:

def fibs():
  x, y = (0, 1)
  while True:
    yield y
    (x, y) = (y, x + y)

Which we can use like:

>>> take(10, fibs())
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Haskell-style in Python

Recall the Haskell implementation:

fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

It's not hard to create the Python 2.7 equivalent

from itertools import imap   # lazy map
from operator import add     # add(x, y) = x + y

def fibs():
  yield 1
  yield 1
  for n in imap(add, fibs(), tail(fibs())):
    yield n

The logic is exactly the same. The first two elements both equal 1. After that we lazily add together the corresponding elements of fibs() and of tail(fibs()):

>>> take(10, fibs())
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

In Python 3.3+, this gets even simpler. First map is already lazy, so there's no reason to use imap. And second, 3.3 introduces yield from which allows us to replace the clunky

for x in xs:
  yield x


yield from xs

This means that the Python 3.3+ implementation is simply:

def fibs():
  yield 1
  yield 1
  yield from map(add, fibs(), tail(fibs()))

Which we could one-line as

def fibs(): yield 1; yield 1; yield from map(add, fibs(), tail(fibs()))

More on this in a second.


Despite appearing Haskell-like, this version is basically as inefficient as the original recursive version. That's because every time fibs() is called recursively, Python redoes from scratch all the work to generate the sequence.

Whereas in Haskell things are immutable, which means that there's only a single fibs hanging around. Once its first few elements have been computed, they never have to be computed again.

So while our Python version is clever, it's also impractical.

A Final Comparison

Compare again

def fibs(): yield 1; yield 1; yield from map(add, fibs(), tail(fibs()))

with the Haskell

fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

It's practically the same code! (Yes, the one-line version is hideous Python, I just did that so it would be more comparable with the Haskell version.)

I showed it to one of my friends, who was so impressed that he said "I have no idea what that Python code does".

Next time you get asked Fibonacci as an interview question, consider using this version, and let me know what happens!


As was pointed out in the comments, one can use itertools.tee to split a generator into multiple (efficient) copies. This means that the following slight modification:

def fibs():
  print("a new fibs")
  yield 1
  yield 1
  fibs1, fibs2 = tee(fibs())
  yield from map(add, fibs1, tail(fibs2))

is incredibly efficient.

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