[The fourth in an (at least) 6-part series, all code on GitHub as always.]
- Node.js
- Node.js + AWS Lambda
- Python 2.7 + AWS Lambda
- PureScript
- PureScript + AWS Lambda
- Bonus: PureScript + Twitter Streaming
I know, you're thinking, "I've already read three parts of this series, and I haven't heard one mention of Haskell. Who are you and what have you done with Joel?"
Well, AWS Lambda doesn't support Haskell. (Yet.) Instead we'll work in
PureScript, a very Haskell-like
language that compiles to Javascript. In particular, we'll be able to (re-)use
the Node.js twitter
library via PureScript's foreign function interface.
[Big caveat: I am a PureScript newbie. Although the code here works, it's possible (indeed, likely) that it's not well-designed PureScript. And although my explanations reflect my understanding of what's going on, it's possible (indeed, likely) that some of them are totally wrong. Mostly I did this part to help me learn PureScript better. If any PureScript gurus are reading this, I am eager to hear what I could have done better or more idiomatically.]
To start with, install PureScript
and its build tool pulp
Then we need to create a directory and initialize:
$ mkdir purescript-twitter-bot
$ cd purescript-twitter-bot
$ pulp init
$ npm init
$ npm install twitter --save
(It's possible that it's bad form to both pulp init
and npm init
, but I did both.)
A new PureScript project doesn't include by default a lot of its basic libraries, so we'll need to install the ones we need for this project:
$ pulp dep install --save purescript-console purescript-foreign purescript-arrays purescript-strings purescript-functions
Now, pulp init
should have created a src
subdirectory. Go there and create
, where we'll create all of the common types for working
with Twitter, as well as the function to initialize the Twitter client.
module Twitter where
import Prelude
import Data.Foreign (Foreign())
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
-- | Effect type for interacting with Twitter.
foreign import data TWITTER :: !
-- | The Twitter client returned by the Javascript `Twitter()` constructor.
foreign import data TwitterClient :: *
What do these things mean?
In PureScript functions are (by default) pure.
If we want them to have side effects, we need to explicitly declare those
side effects. And a function that interacts with Twitter is necessarily impure,
since it depends on -- and possibly modifies -- the state of Twitter.
So we need to define a TWITTER
effect that we can use to
mark functions as having Twitter-based side effects (or side inputs).
(The bang !
means that TWITTER
is an effect.)
In comparison, the *
means that TwitterClient
is a type, this allows us
to define functions that take a TwitterClient
as input and functions that
return a TwitterClient
as output. (The foreign import
means that we're not
going to define the type within PureScript, but that it's going to refer to something
we'll do in Javascript.)
Notably, these are (mostly) just names. We will define a (Javascript-implemented)
function that returns a TwitterClient
, as well as other functions that take a TwitterClient
as input. The type system will simply enforce that any function that wants a TwitterClient
gets something that we've identified as a TwitterClient
. And that any computation that
involves a TWITTER
effect can only run in a context that allows TWITTER
(If this all seems new and confusing, that's because it is new and confusing. Bear with me.)
We also need a type to represent Twitter credentials:
type Credentials = {
consumer_key :: String,
consumer_secret :: String,
access_token_key :: String,
access_token_secret :: String
PureScript has easy record types
that basically correspond to Javascript objects. That is, the Credentials
type is (basically)
a Javascript object that has those exact four keys, and whose values are all strings.
(However, on the PureScript side it is typed, and you would get an error if you tried
to create a Credentials
instance with no consumer_key
or with a numeric consumer_secret
Now we can use the Foreign Function Interface to get an instance of the Twitter client. Let's first handle the PureScript side:
foreign import twitterClient :: forall eff. Credentials -> Eff (twitter :: TWITTER | eff) TwitterClient
Yikes. The foreign import
means that we're going to define this function in Javascript.
And the type says that this function takes as input a Credentials
object and does something
that involves a TWITTER
side effect and returns a TwitterClient
is the
monad for specifying native effects,
and indicates that this function can only be run in a "context" that allows
side effects. The forall eff
means that the context can allow other
side effects as well.)
Now we're ready to write the Javascript side. Create a companion file Twitter.js
/* global exports */
"use strict";
// module Twitter
var Twitter = require('twitter');
exports.twitterClient = function(credentials) {
return function() {
return new Twitter(credentials);
That's it. The module Twitter
comment is important (I think) and tells the
PureScript compiler that this goes with the Twitter
module in Twitter.purs
The code simply loads the Node.js twitter
library and exports the twitterClient
that we declared in Twitter.purs
. Its input is a PureScript Credentials
(which gets translated here into just a plain Javascript object, which is
exactly what the Twitter
function requires).
The only subtlety is that instead of returning the Twitter client directly,
we wrap it in a function of zero arguments. We need to do this whenever our function
returns an Eff
context. (And conversely, if you create a PureScript function
whose return value is an Eff
, the generated Javascript function requires an
extra call, as we'll see later (and which caused me a lot of confusion)).
Let's also create simple (non-production quality) types to represent Tweets:
type TweetId = String
type Tweet = {
id :: TweetId,
user :: String,
text :: String
type Tweets = Array Tweet
So, for us, a tweet has an id
, a user
, and some text
. Obviously the actual
data model is a lot richer, but this is all we'll need to build our bot.
Next we need to write the code to interface with the search API. We'll stick this
in its own module Twitter.Search
which we'll create in src/Twitter/Search.purs
module Twitter.Search where
import Prelude (Unit())
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
import Twitter
This looks like the previous set of imports, except that now we also import the Twitter
we just created, as well as the Data.Function
You see, PureScript functions are all really functions of a single variable. If you were to have
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum a b = a + b
then sum
is really a function that takes an Int
and returns a new function Int -> Int
For example sum 2
is the function that adds 2 to any number, and sum 2 3
is really
(sum 2) 3
This means that (naively) we need to write foreign functions the same way:
foreign import sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
with implementation
exports.sum = function(a) {
return function(b) {
return a + b;
If you have functions with a lot of parameters, this can get ugly really fast.
That's where Data.Function
comes in, it provides helper functions that allow us
to write normal multiple-argument Javascript functions.
foreign import sumImpl :: Fn2 Int Int Int
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum = runFn2 sumImpl
with implementation
exports.sumImpl = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
The declaration Fn2 Int Int Int
means sumImpl
is a Javascript
function of two Int arguments that returns an Int result. And the runFn2
converts it into the usual curried PureScript function. The exposed sum
still looks the same as before, so anyone using the function doesn't need to
worry about all of these details.
Anyway, back to Twitter searching. The Twitter search API allows you to specify
a lot of options, but we'll restrict ourselves to just q
[query] and count
[number of results]. And we'll provide a helper function that allows callers
to just specify the query:
type SearchOptions = {
q :: String,
count :: Int
searchOptions :: String -> SearchOptions
searchOptions query = {
q : query,
count : 15
Finally, we're ready to define the search function, using the Data.Function trick from above:
foreign import searchImpl :: forall eff. Fn3
(Tweets -> Eff (twitter :: TWITTER | eff) Unit)
(Eff (twitter :: TWITTER | eff) Unit)
search :: forall eff. TwitterClient ->
SearchOptions ->
(Tweets -> Eff (twitter :: TWITTER | eff) Unit) ->
(Eff (twitter :: TWITTER | eff) Unit)
-- the docs suggest not using point-free style here
search client options callback = runFn3 searchImpl client options callback
That is, the search
function takes a TwitterClient
, some SearchOptions
and a callback (that takes some Tweets
as input and does something effectful
with them), and does something with a TWITTER
effect (and returns no result).
[Incidentally, I would rather not insist that the callback include the TWITTER
effect. Our eventual "retweet" callback will, but you could also imagine just a
"log to the console" callback that doesn't. However, it caused me problems if I
didn't include it, so it's there.]
Then we need to define searchImpl
in Search.js
, which is not dissimilar to our initial
Node.js version:
exports.searchImpl = function(client, searchOptions, callback) {
// Because `searchImpl` returns a value in the Eff monad, its Javascript implementation
// needs to return a function of no arguments.
return function() {
client.get('search/tweets', searchOptions, function(error, tweets, response){
var results = tweets.statuses.map(function(tweet) {
// Map results to our `Tweet` record type.
// (If `Tweet` wasn't a plain old record type, we'd have to do something
// more complicated here.)
return { id : tweet.id_str, user : tweet.user.screen_name, text : tweet.text };
// Similarly, because `callback` returns a value in the Eff monad, its
// Javascript transpilation returns a function of no arguments, which means
// that to actually *execute* the callback, we need to call the returned function.
// Not realizing this caused me a lot of grief.
// Because the return type is `Unit`, we just return an empty object.
return {};
We similarly create a Twitter.Retweet
module in src/Twitter/Retweet.purs
, with just a single function:
foreign import retweetImpl :: forall eff. Fn2
(Eff (console :: CONSOLE, twitter :: TWITTER | eff) Unit)
retweet :: forall eff. TwitterClient ->
TweetId ->
Eff (console :: CONSOLE, twitter :: TWITTER | eff) Unit
-- the docs suggest not using point-free style here
retweet client tweetId = runFn2 retweetImpl client tweetId
Where retweetImpl
is defined in src/Twitter/Retweet.js
exports.retweetImpl = function(client, tweetId) {
return function() {
client.post('statuses/retweet/' + tweetId, function(err, tweet, id) {
console.log(err || tweet.text);
return {};
Finally, we're ready to do the actual work. (So far we've just been doing the groundwork.)
As usual, we create a separate file
for credentials, here src/MyCredentials.purs
module MyCredentials where
import Twitter
myCredentials :: Credentials
myCredentials = {
consumer_key: "...",
consumer_secret: "...",
access_token_key: "...",
access_token_secret: "..."
And then we stick the actual work in src/Main.purs
. After importing all the stuff
we need, we can create a findAndRetweet
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.String.Regex as Regex
import MyCredentials
import Twitter
import Twitter.Search
import Twitter.Retweet
findAndRetweet :: SearchOptions ->
Maybe Regex.Regex ->
TwitterClient ->
Eff (twitter :: TWITTER, console :: CONSOLE) Unit
findAndRetweet options rgx client = search client options retweetMatches
-- for each tweet that passes the regex filter, send its id to `retweet`
retweetMatches tweets = do
foreachE (filter rgxFilter tweets) (\tweet -> retweet client tweet.id)
-- if there's a regex, make sure it matches tweet.text
rgxFilter tweet = case rgx of
Just pattern -> Regex.test pattern tweet.text
Nothing -> true
Given a TwitterClient
and some SearchOptions
, it just runs the search
using the callback retweetMatches
defined here. And retweetMatches
filters out tweets that don't match the regex (if there is one) and calls
for each of the tweets that's left.
Finally, we just need a main
function to do the work.
-- This assumes MyCredentials.purs exports myCredentials :: Credentials
main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE, twitter :: TWITTER) Unit
main = twitterClient myCredentials >>= (findAndRetweet options rgx)
query = "make \"great again\" -america -filter:retweets"
options = searchOptions query
rgx = Just $ Regex.regex "make (.*) great again" flags
flags = Regex.noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
The type of main
indicates that it does something that involves both
side effect and the TWITTER
side effect, and that it doesn't
return anything. (Unit
is similar to other languages' void
And >>=
is the scary monad
bind, which grabs the TwitterClient
out of the Eff
monad (recall that twitterClient
returns an Eff _ TwitterClient
and hands it to the findAndRetweet
function, which (after currying the
search options and regex) just takes a TwitterClient
and does its magic.
If you run this from the command line:
$ pulp run
it should retweet all the things!
Final note: this probably seems like a lot of work. It was a lot of work. But
most of the work was creating a (bare-bones, toy) PureScript Twitter
If you already had such a library (which, in many applications, you would),
it would have been a lot less work, and you would just have to have written
the code in Main.purs
Next time we'll get this PureScript version running on AWS Lambda. (Which might take me a couple of days to pull together, happy new year!)